Living Better With Arthritis

The current number of people with arthritis in the United States has already risen above 54 million and this number is expected to rise to 78 million by 2040 thanks to an aging population. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for arthritis, but there are ways that you can offset the effects of joint disease on your quality of life.

At Summit Pain Alliance, our team of pain management experts understands the life-altering effects that joint problems can have on your physical and mental health. Being trapped inside a body that’s in pain can be a heavy toll, which is why we offer a wide range of treatments that specifically address joint pain.

While we can do our part here, there are a few things you can do on your own to live your best life, despite your arthritis.

Move it out

Your joints are meant to move, but when arthritis strikes, moving may be the last thing on your mind. Getting some exercise is one of the best things you can do for aching and stiff joints. Exercise not only helps keep your joints active, but it also improves your strength, balance, and flexibility.

While we’re not suggesting going out and, literally, pounding the pavement on long runs, a daily walk can do wonders for your aching joints. If you’d like to avoid concussive activities altogether, there are plenty of ways you can get exercise without adding stress on your already beleaguered joints, including:

If you were to choose one exercise on this list, we highly recommend yoga, which not only strengthens your muscles, but it also encourages flexibility and range of motion.

Find workarounds

While we’ve just extolled the virtues of exercise, it’s important that you don’t overstress arthritic joints. It’s essential that you pick the correct type of exercise.

For example, if you have achy hips or knees, lunges and squats may not be the best thing for these large joints. The better course of action is to work around your affected joints and strengthen other areas to take some of the burdens off compromised joints.

Lighten the load

If you’re carrying extra pounds, you may be accelerating and exacerbating your arthritis. Your joints are designed to handle a certain amount of weight, but when you add pounds to your frame, you’re asking your joints to bear the burden.

If you lose weight — even just 5-10% of your overall body weight — it takes the added pressure off your joints and slows the wear-and-tear.

Avail yourself of our many joint treatments

While there may not be a cure for most forms of arthritis, we have many tools that help relieve your pain and restore your active lifestyle. After an evaluation of your arthritis and your goals, we may recommend:

More often than not, we recommend a combination of these treatments for the best results.

Ultimately, you can lead a happy and active life with arthritis if you seek the right treatment and make a few changes to your lifestyle. To learn more, contact one of our locations in Santa Rosa or Petaluma, California.

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